Tech Invent can assist you through all phases of the development of production equipment. We have experienced that the best solutions arise from a synergy between the product knowledge of a client and the competencies and experiences that Tech Invent have built up after having worked on many projects in the past.
The first step is typically to provide a preliminary budget for the task. For larger tasks, the next step is a preliminary project, which verifies the solution concepts with investigations and tests before the final investment is initiated.
We are also happy to inspect your production. We often see that development companies focus on core products to such an extent that optimizations of production equipment are sometimes unconsciously neglected. There can often be low-hanging fruit in the form of simple mechanical principles that will significantly increase production stability. Our engineers have a flair for optimization and often find alternative solutions that expand production possibilities. We can also help with solutions to a specific need or take up the challenge of an unsolved problem.
Often, these types of projects start with the preparation of a detailed requirement specification. In this way, all partners have a firm idea of the content of the assignment. This creates the best framework for a successful project. In practice, this is done by filling out our front-loading document at the first meeting regarding the task.
After that, we work on development according to a phased project model, which goes from idea and concept generation/selection, construction/drawing, dimensioning, and, after thorough construction reviews, to the fabrication, assembly, and testing of the equipment/machine.
Delivery of the equipment/machine includes control and documentation package, including CE marking. Typically, the equipment is verified through a FAT test before shipment, and an SAT test on-site at handover.
Subsequent servicing of the equipment can be part of the delivery.
Custom-made equipment or machinery that solves precisely the task for which we together have defined the requirements. A simple solution is usually the most efficient, reliable and secure. If made in the right quality, the most cost-optimal solution produced with short delivery time is at the same time achieved.