Cases / HSM Industri Opera Park HSM Industri Opera Park Strain gauge measurements on steel structure Tech Invent has conducted strain gauge measurements on the preloaded steel structure, Operaparken, for the steel construction company, HSM Industry. Tech Invent...
Cases / Calaject tester Calaject tester Cost-effective quality check of instruments It does not always make sense to manufacture an expensive product in industrial quality. Processes can be automated with inexpensive special machines, which is the case for the...
Cases / Deboxing machine Deboxing machine The deboxing machine opens cardboard boxes, unpacks their contents, and presents them for repackaging. The box is opened by cutting off and removing the lid. Typically, there is an instruction manual inside the box, which the...
Cases / Optimization of milling process Optimization of milling process Milling of thin aluminum components Manufacturing of thin-walled aluminum components for e.g. the aviation industry challenges skilled CNC operators as process vibrations can cause both damaged...
Cases / Wireless measurement of shaft runout Wireless measurement of shaft runout Tech Invent is always adaptable to our client’s needs. Over a few weeks time we have developed a mechatronical product that enables wireless data collection regarding shaft runout....