With our program ‘The Green Blueprint,’ we focus on reducing your environmental impact. We offer a process that involves you throughout to embed good habits and initiatives as a natural part of your company. You can also select parts of the process that you want to focus on.

    How we contribute

    The process with ‘The Green Blueprint’ follows this model:

    • Initiation
    • Identification
    • Workshop
    • Optimization
    • Integration

    Download a one-pager with a full description of the process in English/Danish.

      Your benifit

      We ensure that green design becomes an integrated and normalized part of the workflow in your company, with tools and guidelines that suit your needs. Additionally, all participants gain general knowledge and a common language that facilitates continuing the work in your green transition. If you are unsure if this is for you, feel free to call us or take a look at our green design guide for inspiration.